Mozart &
Material Culture


St Peter’s (Vatican City). Main church of the Vatican. The present-day basilica has its origin in Pope Julius II’s 1505 decision to replace the old basilica with a new structure. Built over the course of the following century and a half, the cupola, after a design by Michelangelo, was finished by Giacomo Della Porta and Domenico Fontana in 1593; the façade by Carlo Maderno dates from 1614; and the interior by Bernini was designed in 1629. (St. Peter's Square, also designed by Bernini, was constructed 1656-1667.)

Giovanni Piranesi, Basilica Vaticana from Illustrations de Antichita Romanae, (1748)

Giovanni Piranesi, 'Basilica Vaticana' from Illustrations de Antichita Romanae, (1748)

Mozart Relevance

Mozart and his father visited on Easter Sunday, 15 April 1770 and on 29 June 1770.

Date 1
1770-04 and 1770-06
Date (Mozart)
1770-04 and 1770-06
Location (Mozart)